National Geographic - Learning

English Learning

At National Geographic Learning, our mission is to bring the world to the classroom, and the classroom to life. We want students of English and their teachers to experience the excitement and joy of learning through our materials.

We invite you to join us in professional development webinars with English Language Teaching specialists, speakers from the TED stage, National Geographic Explorers, and others in the English Language Teaching field.

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Found 196 Results
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Teens Webinar Recording

Providing Support to Students Using Time Zones, Third Edition

Presenter(s): Andrew Robinson

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Webinar Recording

Assessing Young Learners Online

Presenter(s): Elaine Boyd

Hosted by: Global

Watch now Teens and Adults

Exploring, Exploiting and Expanding on Online Lessons

Presenter(s): Hugh Dellar and Russell Stannard

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

What is behind the motivation of teens in education?

Presenter(s): Vinicius Nobre

Hosted by: Global

Watch now Teens and Adults

Getting Students Ready for Online Lessons…Online!

Presenter(s): Hugh Dellar and Russell Stannard

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

Can you T.E.A.C.H. Teens Online?

Presenter(s): Jair Félix

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Webinar Recording

Bridging the Gap Between Home and School

Presenter(s): Claire Venables

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

Tips to Make Grammar Memorable and Exciting

Presenter(s): Laura Le Drean

Hosted by: Global

Watch now Teens and Adults

Developing Reading Skills in an Online Environment

Presenter(s): Alex Warren

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

Words to Remember: Practical Strategies for Building Vocabulary Through Reading

Presenter(s): Sean Bermingham and Chris Street

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

Tips for Teaching Writing Online

Presenter(s): Keith Folse

Hosted by: Global

Webinar Recording

Practical Ideas for Teaching Academic Vocabulary Online

Presenter(s): Keith Folse

Hosted by: Global

Webinar Recording

Building a Supportive Online Community

Presenter(s): Drs. Joan Kang Shin and Jered Borup

Hosted by: Global

Webinar Recording

Making Your Screen Come Alive

Presenter(s): Drs. Joan Kang Shin and Jered Borup

Hosted by: Global

Webinar Recording

Engaging Students in Meaningful Learning Activities

Presenter(s): Joan Kang Shin

Hosted by: Global

Webinar Recording

Engaging Students in Meaningful Learning Activities

Presenter(s): Drs. Joan Kang Shin and Jered Borup

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Webinar Recording

Online and On-Trend: The Benefits of Online Learning Platforms

Presenter(s): Alex Warren

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

What’s New in World English Third Edition

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Content-based English Recording

Teaching Reading: Phonics Instruction for Young Learners

Presenter(s): Lada Kratky

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Webinar Recording

See How it’s Done: Teaching a Young Learner Lesson Part 2

Presenter(s): Jair Félix

Hosted by: Global

Content-based English Recording

Learning Academic Content Through English

Presenter(s): Deborah Short

Hosted by: Global

7 steps towards creativity in the language classroom

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults and Teens Webinar Recording

Global Competence: Developing Essential Skills for the 21st Century

Presenter(s): Sean Bermingham

Hosted by: Global

Empowering Teenagers to be the Change the World Needs

Presenter(s): Luciana Fernández

Hosted by: Global

See How It’s Done: Teaching a Young Learner Lesson

Presenter(s): Jair Félix

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Webinar Recording

Game On: Using Digital Resources to Motivate Young Learners

Presenter(s): Alex Warren

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

Effective ESL Instruction using the 4 C’s

Presenter(s): Rob Jenkins

Hosted by: Global

Exploring Endangered Languages

Presenter(s): K. David Harrison

Hosted by: Global

The Magic of Reading: Using Stories to Promote Literacy and Learning

Presenter(s): Lucy Crichton

Hosted by: Global

Developing Learner Agency in Your Classroom

Presenter(s): Christien Lee

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

7 Tips for Effective Reading

Presenter(s): Sean Bermingham and Chris Street

Hosted by: Global

How to Motivate Learners with Visible Goals

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Giving Students a Voice: Critical Thinking in the ELT classroom

Presenter(s): Andrew Walkley and Hugh Dellar

Hosted by: Global

Increasing Expectations: Building Writing Confidence through Groups

Presenter(s): April Muchmore-Vokoun

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners and Grammar: How Can We Make It Work?

Presenter(s): Anna Hasper

Hosted by: Global

21st Century Skills for Young Learners

Presenter(s): Katherine Stannett

Hosted by: Global

Practical Classroom Activities for Writing Better Sentences

Presenter(s): Keith Folse

Hosted by: Global

Nurturing Reading Success in Young Learners of English

Presenter(s): Rachel Wilson

Hosted by: Global

The Power of Content: Preparing Students for Academic Success

Presenter(s): Laura Le Drean

Hosted by: Global

10 ways to make your video lessons HOT

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Emerging into English: different levels, different needs

Presenter(s): Andrew Walkley and Hugh Dellar

Hosted by: Global

How to Engage Teenager Learners with Projects

Presenter(s): Jodi Crandall

Hosted by: Global

Key Critical Thinking Skills for Advanced Learners

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Reading and Writing in the Young Learner Classroom

Presenter(s): Joan Kang Shin

Hosted by: Global

Preparing Young Learners for Exam Success

Presenter(s): Elaine Boyd

Hosted by: Global

teaching adults watch now

5 Ways to Teach with Real Stories

Presenter(s): Paul Dummett

Hosted by: Global

Teens and Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

Using Technology to Encourage Face-to-face Conversation

Presenter(s): Alex Warren

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Webinar Recording

Practical Classroom Ideas for Developing Young Global Citizens

Presenter(s): Luciana Fernández

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

New Literacies for Today’s Classroom

Presenter(s): Sean Bermingham

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

New Standards, New Ideas, New Opportunities

Presenter(s): Rob Jenkins

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

Motivating Teenage Learners in the Classroom

Presenter(s): Katherine Stannett

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

Getting Real about Authentic Content

Presenter(s): Christien Lee

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

The Questions We Ask

Presenter(s): Andrew Walkley and Hugh Dellar

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

A Critical Look at Critical Thinking

Presenter(s): Christien Lee

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Tips for Effective Phonics Instruction in the Young Learner Classroom

Presenter(s): Luciana Fernández

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

How to Integrate Critical Thinking at Lower Levels

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

Keys to Academic Success

Presenter(s): Laura Le Drean

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Managing Mixed Level Classrooms for Young Learner Teaching

Presenter(s): Anna Hasper

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

Making learning last: Creating memorable lessons for your students

Presenter(s): Paul Dummett

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

Personalization in an Impersonal World

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Tight on Time: Tips for Teaching the Four Skills in Every Young Learner Lesson

Presenter(s): Katherine Bilsborough

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

The Art of Making Students More Employable with Stand Out

Presenter(s): Rob Jenkins

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

The Creative Classroom

Presenter(s): Katherine Stannett

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Engaging Young Learners with Projects

Presenter(s): Jodi Crandall

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults and Teens Webinar Recording

Tips for Teaching Real English

Presenter(s): Lewis Lansford

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

TED Talks for Teens: An Idea Worth Spreading

Presenter(s): Daniel Barber

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

Critical Thinking in the Adult Education Classroom with Stand Out

Presenter(s): Rob Jenkins

Hosted by: Global

Upcoming Young Learners and Teens Webinar

Channeling Your Inner Explorer

Presenter(s): Asha De Vos

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Ensuring Young Learners Success Through Assessment

Presenter(s): Jodi Crandall

Hosted by: Global

Teaching Adults Webinar Recording

Critical Thinking in English Language Teaching

Presenter(s): John Hughes

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Inspiring Environmental Responsibility in the Young Learner Classroom

Presenter(s): Gabby Salazar

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Literacy Programming for Young EFL Learners

Presenter(s): Joan Kang Shin

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

Making an Impact: Teaching Our Students to Be Global Explorers

Presenter(s): Katherine Stannett

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Teaching Reading and Writing in the Young Learner Classroom

Presenter(s): Jodi Crandall

Hosted by: Global

Teens Webinar Recording

Empowering 21st Century Teenagers

Presenter(s): Joan Kang Shin

Hosted by: Global

Young Learners Recording

Fostering Global Citizenship in the Young Learner Classroom

Presenter(s): Joan Kang Shin

Hosted by: Global

Academic Webinar Recording

Challenges Teachers Face while Teaching Grammar and Writing

Presenter(s): Keith Folse

Hosted by: Global

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