National Geographic - Learning

English Learning

The Story Within a Teacher's Voice: Teaching Stories in an Online Environment​

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Lucy Crichton


Storytelling is such a powerful tool for teachers not only for language learning, but also as a way of connecting to students and spreading warmth and understanding. Right now, this is a perfect tool for our current situation as online teachers.  In this webinar, we’re going to look at a number of stories and picture books that are suitable for the young learner. Teachers will receive tips and simple strategies on how to work with beautiful images, how to use costumes, props and sound effects using simple things available at home. As we gain confidence as storytellers, we can also spread beautiful messages of love and hope in these challenging times.


Graduated in Drama, Design and Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Lucy Crichton is a teacher, teacher trainer and storyteller who has given lectures and workshops around the world. She has been writing for the primary classroom since 2008 and has been involved in projects in South America, Europe and Asia. Lucy is the founder of The Secret Garden English School in Florianopolis, where she teaches children and teenagers using, music, art, drama, gardening and cooking. She has been living and teaching in Brazil since 1992. 


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