National Geographic - Learning

English Learning

Lessons Learned from Online Teaching - An Institutional Perspective


2020 has seen an extraordinary amount of institutions and teachers pivot from purely face-to-face lessons to wholly online contexts, very often with minimal time and training. This session will look at the effects of this pivot, as well as some of the key lessons that can be garnered from it. We will focus in detail on what we have learned, not only as teachers or as institutions, but in general as a sector. We will also reflect upon the role of the teacher in the online context and the implications this might have for the future of teacher education.


Chris Farrell is the Head of Training and Development for the CES Group. He is a teacher, trainer, and academic manager. He is a committee member for TDSIG in the area of Scholarly Publications and theĀ  the founder and co-ordinator of the Trinity Irish Research Scheme for Teaching. He is the Chair of the English UK TD Advisory Board.

He often speaks at International events and webinars on behalf of both CES and Eaquals as well as lecturing in the ALC in UCD. He has worked in a freelance capacity for organisations such as NILE, Trinity College London, INTO, and Cengage.

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