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English Learning

Bridging the Gap: Creating Community and Supporting Students in Any Classroom

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As humans, we are made for relationships. A strong classroom community, where learners feel supported and connected, is often considered a critical component of a successful learning experience.

Currently, many of us are teaching online, sometimes never meeting our students anywhere but in the virtual world. This can create a sense of isolation, and it can be challenging for students to feel comfortable, motivated, and successful in the classroom. Along with this, some students may struggle with using technology and getting online, creating even more challenges to fully participating in their learning.

In the midst of this uncertainty, we teachers may be a stable source of support and encouragement, something some students need now more than ever before.

In this webinar, Carmella Lieske will discuss practical ways to create community in any classroom: online, face-to-face, or a combination of both. She will share classroom-tested activities that reinforce language and build community, the slight modifications she makes to classroom procedure when teaching online, and her own students’ reactions to these online lessons.


 Carmella Lieske is the Assistant Director in charge of Globalization and a Professor in the Center for Foreign Language Education at Shimane University, Japan. She has been teaching ELT in Asia for over 20 years, empowering learners from 4 to 70+ years old. Carmella developed the English Expert Minor and Global Leadership Minors, creating new courses such as Global Literacy, Global Interaction, Global Understanding, and Global Leadership. Based on students’ course evaluations, Carmella has been selected as one of the best professors at the university. Carmella has worked with various international publishers writing student books, teacher’s books, workbooks and worksheets, and test packages. A few of the National Geographic Learning series that she has worked on are Our World, Impact, Time Zones, and Reading Adventures.
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