National Geographic - Learning

English Learning

Category – Academic Days

Cultivating Cultural Awareness in ELT: Overcoming Challenges

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Hosted by: National Geographic Learning Latin America

Category: Academic Days

Presenter: Maria Trapero

Explore the challenges of teaching in a multicultural classroom, as students have variable characteristics that make them unique, even if they are from the same country or speak the same language. It is crucial for ELT teachers to address the singular cultural backgrounds, language proficiency levels, and biases that students bring from their personal experiences. By understanding these challenges and implementing effective strategies, teachers can create inclusive learning environments where all students feel valued and empowered. The session will talk about the importance of culturally responsive teaching, intercultural communication skills, establishing inclusive classroom norms, collaborative learning, and continuous professional development. Adapt some techniques in your daily teaching to overcome these challenges, fostering inclusive teaching practices.

Maria Trapero is passionate about education and believes in the importance of the role of the teachers and the difference they make in their students’ lives. She has devoted her professional life to English Language Teaching and advocating for teachers. She holds a BA in Pedagogy, a MD in Education and several diplomas and certifications as an English Language Teacher and a Teacher Trainer. She is currently working on a Doctoral Program in Educational Technology. She has been a teacher and a teacher trainer and a speaker at national and international events for many years. She was a member of the Executive Board of the Mexican Association of Teachers of English, MEXTESOL, holding different positions including National President and Convention Chair. She is also a member of TESOL international and the Latin American TESOL Group. She was the ESL Coordinator at a private school (preK-12), the Academic Director of a Language School and a University Professor. She is an Examiner for International Exams and an Academic Consultant for National Geographic Learning.

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