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English Learning

Authentic Content and SEL: Nurturing Tomorrow's Global Citizens

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This is an encore presentation of a session that was presented at the TESOL 2022 Convention! 

In classrooms worldwide, learners are developing the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens. Increasingly, this includes critical social-emotional skills for success in school, the workplace, and in life. This session explores how working with authentic, global content helps learners connect with each other – and the world.


Janine Boylan is Publisher of Content-based English products at National Geographic Learning. She has almost 25 years of experience in educational publishing for English learners, with a focus on K-12. She has a M.S. in Learning Science and Technology and began her professional life as a teacher for young learners in the United States and in Japan.

Micah White is an Executive Editor who joined National Geographic Learning in 2021 and manages the development of primary and secondary ELT programs. He has an M.A. in English Language and Literature, has taught English to university students in the U.S. and to young learners in South Korea, and since 2008 has focused on the research and development of ELT materials for students and teachers around the globe. Micah lives in Beacon, New York, with his wife, two sons, three cats, and basset hound.